Statement from Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad Regarding the Tabas Coal Mine Disaster

Once again, we are faced with a horrifying disaster. The explosion at the Tabas coal mine, one of the largest mines in Iran, has led to the tragic deaths of 52 workers and injured more than 20 others. Many of the workers’ bodies remain trapped 700 meters deep inside the mine.

Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad expresses its deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims of this enormous tragedy. These honorable individuals, whose labor kept the wheels of production and wealth turning, have fallen victim to the ruthless policies and profiteering of a regime that prioritizes profit over humanity and the lives of workers. Every grieving family, every woman who has lost her husband, every parent who has lost their child, every sibling who has lost a brother, and every child who has lost their father should know that this tragedy is a direct result of disregard for the lives of workers and the devaluation of human life.

The heart-wrenching images of retrieving the bodies of the victims, their worn-out clothing, and especially the symbolic image of one of these noble workers’ boots, are clear evidence that not only are work conditions and safety standards inadequate, but they reflect a deliberate negligence. This is not just a “tragic accident”; it is murder. A crime in a chain of disasters that could have easily been prevented but has claimed workers’ lives in Iran for years.

Reports indicate that a methane gas leak was the cause of the explosion, raising the question: what was the state of ventilation? Just a few weeks ago, methane gas had leaked from this coal mine, causing a partial collapse of the tunnels. The emission of methane gas should have been a warning sign of an impending crisis, and proper inspection and oversight could have prevented the explosion. The mine lacked even a basic gas evacuation system, and workers did not have advanced equipment for gas protection. The labor minister, who initially stated that there had been no violations at this mine, is among the primary culprits.

For years, the workers of the Tabas mine have protested the poor working conditions, the lack of resources, and their meager wages. They have repeatedly warned about unsafe working environments, low wages, and the lack of facilities, but the authorities’ response has been silence and indifference. In the Islamic Republic, workers are deprived of the most basic right to form independent unions and defend their right to life and dignity. This regime systematically suppresses any labor movement that dares challenge this exploitation and leaves workers defenseless against this deadly neglect. To this, one must add the absence of media freedom, denying workers the right to voice their concerns and be heard.

This mine, sitting on 75 billion tons of coal reserves, is a symbol of the country’s immense wealth. But instead of being allocated to improve the nation’s economy and the working and living conditions of workers, this wealth is looted under a system of systematic repression and corruption. The right to life of the workers, who risk their lives to extract these valuable resources, has been ignored in the profit-driven calculations, and their lives have been sacrificed to the cruel policies of the Islamic Republic.

Across Iran, from mines to factories and small workshops, we witness the daily death and injury of workers—”incidents” that are nothing but the result of a corrupt system that refuses to value human life. Work environments in Iran have become deathtraps, and the Islamic Republic, with complete indifference, has turned its back on the workers who drive the country’s production and development.

Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad demands full transparency and the clarification of all aspects of this tragedy, justice for the victims and their families, and the prosecution of all those responsible for creating and perpetuating this deadly situation.

While offering our condolences to the labor community of Iran, we stand once again with the families of these honorable workers and share in their grief. This disaster not only reminds us how little value is placed on workers’ lives in Iran but also calls upon us to stand against oppression and corruption.

Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad calls on all workers in various sectors to immediately form independent unions and organize to defend their right to life and human dignity.

Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad
September 23, 2024

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