Iran Labour Confederation

Support for the labour movement and other protest and social movements in Iran requires strong solidarity from the grassroots level and from communities in different countries. This support can be provided by labor organizations and freedom movements worldwide. To this end, the confederation strives to contribute by closely connecting with labour unions in other countries, linking to the societies of these countries, and amplifying the voice of Iranian workers’ rights and protests globally.



  • “Women, Life, Freedom”: A Prelude to Fundamental Change in Iran

    Statement by the Confederation of Iranian Workers Abroad on the Second Anniversary of Mahsa Zhina Amini’s Murder and the Beginning of the Revolutionary Movement of Women, Life, Freedom Two years ago, the Islamic Republic murdered Zhina (Mahsa) Amini, and this atrocity marked the beginning of the largest movement for change in Iran since the regime’s…

  • Report on FP CGIL’s Solidarity with Iranian Nurses on Strike

    The Funzione Pubblica CGIL (FP CGIL), a major Italian public sector union representing healthcare workers, has declared its solidarity with Iranian nurses who have been on strike in recent weeks. The nurses are protesting against extremely poor working conditions, exploitation, and systemic discrimination within Iran’s healthcare sector. FP CGIL expressed strong support for the nurses’…

Take Action

Against the death sentence

Freedom of labour activists

labour movement

Support for the labour movement and other protest movements in Iran necessitates robust solidarity from grassroots levels and communities across different countries. This support can be facilitated by labor organizations and freedom-seeking movements globally.
To achieve this, the Confederation is committed to forging close ties with labor unions abroad, engaging with these international communities,
and elevating the voice of Iran’s working class in their global demands for rights and protests.