Charter of Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad

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Chapter One: Definitions and Organizational Principles
Article One: Name and Scope of Activity
- The association is named “Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad,” hereinafter referred to as “Confederation.”
- The Confederation’s head office is located in the city of …, Federal Republic of Germany.
- The Confederation consists of Iranian labor and trade activists residing abroad.
- The Confederation strives to encompass the workforce in Iran.
- The official management domain of the Confederation is focused on activities abroad.
- The duration of the Confederation’s activities is unlimited.
- The Confederation’s structure can be expanded through the membership of groups and labor organizations inside and outside of Iran.
- To advance organizational matters, the Confederation establishes and organizes its councils in various countries and cities.
Article Two: Organizational Principles
- The Confederation is a completely independent organization. Its policies, performance, and work style, along with its organs and subordinate institutions, are independent of financial and political affiliations to employers, governments, parties, political and civil organizations, and religious communities.
- The Confederation operates within the framework of the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.
- The organizational structure of the Confederation is based on democratic principles.
- The Confederation’s activities are dedicated to defending the interests of Iranian workers and employees and Iranians abroad.
- The Confederation strives to preserve and realize human rights, human dignity, freedom of expression, freedom of political and social activities, and social justice.
- The Confederation commits itself to the fight against execution and any form of torture.
- The Confederation commits to fighting all forms of discrimination and believes in full political and social equality regardless of nationality, gender, skin color, and religion.
- Equality between women and men and the LGBTQ+ community are fundamental principles of the Confederation.
- The Confederation is committed to environmental protection principles and works in alignment with international organizations and labor unions to defend the environment.
Chapter Two: Goals and Work Style
Article One: Goals
- Striving to empower activists and support independent trade and labor organizations in Iran.
- Working towards the realization of global treaties in defense of the rights of Iranian workers, including the freedom of independent organizations, the prohibition of any form of discrimination in employment and the workplace, the right to collective bargaining, and the complete elimination of child labor.
- Supporting imprisoned and politically pursued individuals, especially labor activists and their families in Iran.
- Offering educational programs to enhance the safety of labor activists, journalists, and other social and political activists in Iran.
- Acting to strengthen the logistical capabilities of activists within the country.
- Striving to promote skill and professional training for Iranians abroad.
- Providing legal support and defense for Iranian refugees and asylum seekers who have been harassed and persecuted for political, social, economic, ethnic, religious, and sexual reasons.
- Countering anti-immigrant policies, especially those against Afghans in Iran, and striving to improve their living and working conditions.
- The Confederation believes in the global solidarity of the working class and strives to always express solidarity with the struggles of workers in other countries in various ways.
Article Two: Work Style
- Expanding communication and cooperation with labor and social activists abroad and attracting them to advance the goals of the Confederation’s constitution.
- Expanding communication and cooperation with independent labor organizations within the country in various sectors.
- Acting as a communicative link between Iranian workers and employees and international labor organizations to expand global support for Iranian workers and employees.
- Striving to achieve the necessities and representation of different segments of the Iranian working class.
- Working towards membership in international labor organizations and institutions.
- Promoting the goals of the Confederation through public events such as lectures, workshops, and discussion sessions.
- Providing expert analyses on social, legal, economic, political matters, and their impacts on the Iranian workforce.
- Exchanging experiences with institutions that pursue common goals.
- Until other organizations join the Confederation, the general assembly will consist of the main members, and management bodies will be created exclusively through election among them.
- In the event of multiple organizations joining the Confederation, the general assembly will decide on a new work style.
Chapter Three: Financial Affairs
Article One: Non-Profit Status
- The Confederation does not pursue economic goals and operates solely on a non-profit basis, in accordance with the tax law of the Federal Republic of Germany, to benefit from tax relief.
- The Confederation’s financial resources are used exclusively to advance the “objectives of the constitution.”
- The fiscal year is the calendar year.
- Members do not have the right to receive a salary.
- For the advancement of the Confederation’s projects in line with the “objectives of the constitution,” it is possible to employ specialists on a freelance contract with appropriate remuneration.
Article Two: Financial Matters
- The Confederation finances its expenditures to advance the “objectives of the constitution” through: a. Membership fees b. Public donations c. Financial support from aligned organizations and institutions d. Receiving budgets through project presentations
- The Confederation strictly will not accept funding or financial support from any source that contradicts the “organizational principles and objectives of the constitution” and the global treaties on human rights.
Chapter Four: Membership
Article One: Membership of Individuals
- Membership and activity in the Confederation are voluntary.
- Membership can be either principal or supporting.
- Membership application is only possible with the provision of legal information.
- Members are obliged to follow the organizational principles and objectives of the Confederation.
- Members are required to pay a monthly membership fee.
- Members have the right to use a pseudonym within the federation.
- The general assembly decides on the amount of the monthly membership fee for members.
- Principal membership in the Confederation includes all workers residing in Iran and Iranian workers abroad.
- Application for supporting membership in the Confederation is open to everyone.
Article Two: Rights and Duties of Principal Members
- Principal members have all the rights listed in the constitution.
- Principal members can take on responsibilities within the Confederation.
- Principal members are accountable if they take on responsibilities.
- Principal members have the right to vote in the general assembly.
Article Three: Rights and Duties of Supporting Members
- Supporting members can support the Confederation through financial contributions or other services and collaborations.
- Supporting members do not have the right to vote in the general assembly.
- Supporting members can participate as observers in the general assembly.
Article Four: Conditions for Individual Membership
- Natural persons who have reached the age of eighteen can apply for membership in the Confederation.
- Individuals submit their written application for membership to the board of directors.
- The board of directors decides on the acceptance or non-acceptance of an individual’s membership.
- The board of directors is not obliged to provide reasons for rejecting a membership application.
Article Five: Termination of Membership
- Membership ends upon death, expulsion, or resignation from the Confederation.
- Resignation from the Confederation is made through a written notification to the board of directors.
- The period for reviewing, rejecting, or accepting a resignation is one month.
- The resigning member must return all documents, securities, and commitments to the board of directors within fifteen days.
- A member who violates the constitution receives a written warning from the board of directors.
- In case of repeated violations, the board of directors may expel or suspend the member until the general assembly convenes.
- The general assembly decides on the suspended member.
- Individuals whose membership has ended have no claim to the assets and documents of the Confederation.
- Resigned or expelled members are required to maintain the confidentiality of the Confederation’s internal information.
Article Six: Membership Conditions for Organizations
- Aligned organizations can apply for membership in the Confederation by accepting its constitution.
- Membership applications are to be submitted in writing.
- Membership applications are reviewed and decided upon by the board of directors.
- Public announcement of the membership of groups, councils, and other organizations within the country that join the Confederation is based on their decision and is voluntary.
Article Seven: Rights and Duties of Member Organizations
- Representatives of member organizations possess all rights stated in the constitution.
- Representatives of member organizations have the right to vote in the general assembly.
- Members of member organizations can participate as observers in the general assembly but do not have voting rights.
- Representatives of member organizations automatically become members of the supervisory council.
- Member organizations advance the goals of the Confederation through financial contributions and active participation in other services and collaborations.
- In the event of organizational memberships, the general assembly will decide on the number and manner of representation of their representatives.
- Each organization can have up to three representatives in the Confederation until the general assembly convenes.
Article Eight: Termination of Membership for Organizations
- Membership of organizations ends with resignation from the Confederation.
- Resignation from the Confederation is made through a written notification to the board of directors.
- Member organizations that adopt policies contrary to the constitution, especially the organizational principles of the Confederation, will receive a written warning from the board of directors.
- If there is no change in the policies adopted contrary to the constitution and organizational principles of the Confederation, the board of directors may expel or suspend the concerned organization until the general assembly convenes.
- The general assembly decides on the suspended organization.
- Organizations whose membership in the Confederation has ended have no claim to the assets and documents of the Confederation.
- Organizations whose membership in the Confederation has ended are obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the Confederation’s internal information.
Chapter Five: Bodies
Article One: General Assembly
- The General Assembly is the highest authority of the Confederation, consisting of actual members and representatives of member organizations, and is of two types:
a. Ordinary General Assembly
b. Extraordinary General Assembly
Article Two: Ordinary General Assembly
- The General Assembly is the legal representative of all members, and its decisions are binding on all members, whether present or absent.
- The Ordinary General Assembly is held once a year.
- The Ordinary General Assembly must be held in person.
- If some principal members and representatives of member organizations cannot attend the General Assembly, the Confederation must provide the necessary facilities for their online participation.
- Voting in the General Assembly on the election of board members and auditors will be secret, and public in other cases.
- The holding of the General Assembly must be announced by the board of directors in writing, with at least one month’s notice.
- The invitation to the General Assembly must include the topics and agenda, date, and location.
- Topics, discussions, and all proposed resolutions must be made available to the organizers at least three days before the General Assembly.
- The General Assembly reaches quorum if more than half of the voting members are present.
- Resolutions of the General Assembly are passed by a majority vote.
- A two-thirds majority of all principal members is required for amendments to the constitution.
- The General Assembly is chaired by a presidency board.
- The text of the resolutions and the minutes must be signed by the presidency board of the General Assembly.
- The presidency board consists of a president, a vice-president, and an observer.
- The oldest member present takes charge of the elections for the presidency board of the General Assembly.
- Members of the presidency board must not be members or candidates for the board of directors and auditors.
- If the General Assembly does not reach quorum, it will be official with one-third of the members after one month.
- If the second attempt also fails to reach quorum, the General Assembly will be official the next day with any number of members present.
- If the board of directors refrains from holding the General Assembly, the auditors or one-third of the members are authorized to convene the General Assembly.
Article Three: Extraordinary General Assembly
- The board of directors, auditors, or at least one-third of the members can request an Extraordinary General Assembly in writing, stating the reasons.
- Upon receiving a formal request for an Extraordinary General Assembly, the board of directors is obliged to organize it.
- The Extraordinary General Assembly is only concerned with the matters for which it was convened and does not have the powers, duties, and conditions related to the Ordinary General Assembly.
- The Extraordinary General Assembly is held according to all the provisions of Article Two of Chapter Five, except for clause two.
- The board of directors, auditors, and at least two-thirds of the requesting members must participate in the Extraordinary General Assembly.
Article Four: Duties of the Ordinary General Assembly
- Election or removal of the board of directors.
- Election of at least two auditors.
- Approval or amendment of the constitution.
- Setting guidelines for future management.
- Receiving activity and financial reports from the board of directors.
- Receiving reports from the auditors.
- Receiving reports from the Supervisory Council regarding the Confederation’s activities.
- Dissolution of the Confederation.
Article Five: Conditions for Candidacy for the Board of Directors and Auditors
- Must be a principal member of the Confederation.
- Must not be a member of Iranian political parties.
- Must not be part of the management of Iranian organizations and associations abroad.
- Candidacy of board members of aligned organizations within Iran is permitted.
- Representatives of member organizations can run for the board of directors.
- Candidacy for the board of directors and auditors must be declared in writing.
- The deadline for announcing candidacy is from one month before to the day of the General Assembly.
Article Six: Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors consists of …. principal members and …. alternate members.
- The quorum for the Board of Directors’ meetings is based on the number of principal members.
- The elected Board of Directors is the legal representative of the Confederation and is responsible for its management.
- The term of office for the Board of Directors is one year, ending with the election of a new Board.
- Board members are eligible for consecutive terms.
- Two members of the Board of Directors are elected to represent the Confederation in legal matters.
Article Seven: Duties of the Board of Directors
- Holding the first meeting immediately after the election of the Board.
- Board meetings may be held in person, online, or both.
- Board meetings are official with the majority of the Board members present.
- Board meetings are official with the presence of at least one auditor.
- In the first meeting, the Board must elect a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Spokesperson, and Treasurer from among its members.
- The Board is obliged to hold regular monthly meetings.
- The Board must draft and approve its operational regulations within the first month.
- Alternate members can attend Board meetings without voting rights.
- Unexcused absences of any Board member from three consecutive or five non-consecutive meetings result in the suspension of their membership.
- The Board determines whether an absence is excused or unexcused.
- In case of resignation or suspension of a Board member, an alternate member will replace them until the next General Assembly.
- Each Board member must accept at least one responsibility.
- The Board must allocate a budget for activities from the Confederation’s financial resources.
- The Board is required to form specialized commissions to expand the organization of members based on their field of activity, including Worker’s Commission, Teacher’s Commission, Journalist’s Commission, Women’s Commission, LGBTQ+ Commission, Human Rights Commission, Child Rights Defense Commission, and Afghan Workers in Iran Defense Commission.
- The Board may consult the Supervisory Council on policy adoption and the development of the Confederation’s management framework.
- The Board is obliged to protect members’ information, data, and privacy.
- Without members’ permission, their information will not be shared with anyone.
- Violations of clauses 16 and 17 are subject to legal prosecution under German DSGVO laws.
Article Eight: Duties of the Chair of the Board
- Inviting Board members to regular meetings.
- Chairing Board meetings.
- Supervising the proper execution of Board decisions and all matters related to the Confederation.
- Communicating the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board to members and officials of the Confederation.
- Maintaining and keeping administrative documents and a complete registry of the Confederation’s members.
- Signing membership cards for members.
- In the absence of the Chair, all responsibilities fall to the Vice Chair.
Article Nine: Secretary of the Board
- The Secretary of the Board is responsible for drafting and archiving the minutes of the Board meetings.
Article Ten: Treasurer
- Execute the financial affairs of the Confederation.
- Open a current account in the name of the Confederation, jointly with the Chair or one of the Board members, in one of the banks in the Federal Republic of Germany.
- Deposit all received funds into the mentioned account.
- Provide regular financial reports to the Board of Directors.
Article Eleven: Spokesperson
- Responsible for the public relations of the Confederation.
- Obligated to disseminate information about all matters related to the Confederation through common communication means and to write official letters and announcements of the Confederation.
Article Twelve: Termination of Membership on the Board of Directors
- Membership on the Board ends upon death, expulsion, or resignation.
- Resignation from the Board is made through a written notification to the Chair of the Board.
- The Board reviews the acceptance or rejection of the resignation.
- The period for reviewing, rejecting, or accepting a resignation is one month.
- The resigning individual must return all documents, securities, and obligations to the Board within fifteen working days.
- The resigning individual may retain their membership in the Confederation.
- A Board member receives a written warning from the Board for violating the constitution or failing to fulfill responsibilities.
- The Board may suspend a member for repeated violations of the constitution or failure to fulfill responsibilities.
- The General Assembly decides on the suspended member.
- Resigned or suspended members must maintain the confidentiality of the Board’s internal information.
- The Board is obliged to continue its duties until an extraordinary General Assembly is convened in case of mass resignation or loss of quorum.
Article Thirteen: Auditors
- The General Assembly elects … auditors for a term of one year.
- Re-election of auditors for consecutive terms is permitted.
- Auditors do not have the right to vote or interfere in the Board’s decision-making.
Article Fourteen: Duties and Powers of Auditors
- Participate in Board meetings.
- Supervise the books, papers, and financial documents of the Confederation.
- Review reports and financial statements of the Board.
- Present a financial report to the General Assembly.
- Prepare and present a general performance report of the Board to the General Assembly.
- Address complaints from members and, if necessary, prepare and present a report to the Board and General Assembly.
Article Fifteen: Supervisory Council
- The Supervisory Council consists of representatives of member organizations of the Confederation.
- The General Assembly of the Confederation determines the allowed number of representatives from each organization in the Supervisory Council based on the total number of its members.
- Elected representatives of the Supervisory Council can participate in Board meetings.
- Elected representatives of the Supervisory Council do not have voting rights in Board meetings.
- The Supervisory Council only oversees the correct advancement of general policies and the constitution of the Confederation.
- Meetings of the Supervisory Council are held quarterly with the presence of Board members.
- The Supervisory Council is obliged to prepare and present an independent report on the Board’s performance to the General Assembly.
Chapter Six: Dissolution of the Confederation
Article One: Conditions and Regulations for the Dissolution of the Confederation
- The dissolution of the Confederation is only possible based on a decision by the General Assembly and with a two-thirds vote of all the Confederation’s members.
- Upon dissolution, all duties of the Confederation’s officials end.
- The General Assembly is obliged to form a liquidation committee to settle all matters related to the Confederation.
Article Two: Confederation’s Assets After Dissolution
- If there are no significant tax matters, the Confederation’s assets will be transferred for the purpose of promoting political, professional, or social support to a legal entity under public law or another entity with common goals and tax-exempt status.
- Decisions on the use of the Confederation’s assets can only be made after approval by the responsible tax office.
Chapter Seven: Remarks
- This constitution consists of seven chapters, thirty-one articles, and two hundred and five clauses.
- The constitution of the Confederation was drafted by the founding board.
- The founding board was responsible for organizing the first General Assembly of the Confederation.
- The founding board dissolved after holding the first General Assembly.
- The constitution was finally approved at the founding General Assembly of the Confederation on February 23, 2024, in Berlin, the capital of Germany.