The Funzione Pubblica CGIL (FP CGIL), a major Italian public sector union representing healthcare workers, has declared its solidarity with Iranian nurses who have been on strike in recent weeks. The nurses are protesting against extremely poor working conditions, exploitation, and systemic discrimination within Iran’s healthcare sector.

FP CGIL expressed strong support for the nurses’ fight for fair wages, workplace safety, and protection from intimidation. The union emphasized that these nurses, who perform critical roles in serving the population, deserve respect and dignity in their working conditions. They also highlighted that the struggle of Iranian nurses aligns with the broader international labor movement’s fight for workers’ rights and the right to strike.

In its statement, FP CGIL condemned the Iranian government’s repressive actions against the striking nurses and other workers. The union reaffirmed its support for the nurses’ pursuit of democratic rights and improved working conditions, standing in solidarity with their fight for justice and labor rights.

The broader CGIL (Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro), which FP CGIL is part of, is Italy’s largest trade union confederation, with a membership of over 5 million workers from various sectors.

Solidarity with striking nurses in Iran

The FP CGIL, representing women and men healthcare workers, strongly supports the strike of the nurses who are protesting in Iran in recent weeks over the terrible working conditions they are forced to experience and suffer.

We stand in solidarity with their struggle against exploitation, discrimination and intimidation. Their struggle to demand fair wages and protection and safety at work for those who perform a fundamental job for the entire population, to defend the rights of workers and citizens, starting with the right to strike, is a common battle of the international labour movement.

The FP CGIL condemns all repressive actions of the Iranian regime against workers and supports and wishes much success to their struggles for democracy and decent working conditions.

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