Statement by the Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad on the Second Anniversary of Mahsa Zhina Amini’s Murder and the Beginning of the Revolutionary Movement of Women, Life, Freedom

Two years ago, the Islamic Republic murdered Zhina (Mahsa) Amini, and this atrocity marked the beginning of the largest movement for change in Iran since the regime’s rise to power. Iranian women, as the flag-bearers of the fight for freedom, have created the most courageous and progressive scenes of struggle throughout history and have taken the front line in the protests.

As this uprising spread nationwide, the Islamic Republic responded with the most brutal forms of repression and killing of protesters. Dozens were executed, hundreds were killed in the streets, and thousands more were wounded and imprisoned. Despite this brutal repression, the movement not only completely transformed the political landscape of Iranian society, but also attracted global attention to the struggles for freedom and equality pursued by Iranian women and men, garnering widespread support.

The “Women, Life, Freedom” movement has become the convergence point for the protests of various sections of society and social movements that have been fighting for years and decades to realize their accumulated demands.

The broad participation of workers, teachers, students, schoolchildren, and other segments of society alongside the fighting women demonstrates the extensive efforts of society to deepen and expand organization to achieve a real revolution and take control of their own political and social destiny.

Although the street protests in their initial form have diminished due to the violent repression, harassment of grieving families, and persecution of political and civil activists, we still witness daily protests across different sectors of society, from retirees and teachers to nurses and oil and gas industry workers.

What can bring about the fall of the Islamic Republic and lead to a full-fledged revolution is widespread and inclusive organization. Workers, teachers, nurses, employees, retirees, and, more broadly, the working class of Iran, with their years of struggle and degree of organization, are in the best position to form unions. The Iranian working-class movement, comprised of millions of freedom-loving women and men, has always raised the most profound and maximalist demands for liberation from the current oppressive and unequal relations.

The solidarity and support of the organized labor movement in Iran with women and other protesting sectors can be the source of fundamental changes that will end all forms of discrimination, oppression, and exploitation, and allow the people to determine the fate of power. The “Women, Life, Freedom” movement, and the impending revolution, are moving closer to the final overthrow of the Islamic Republic and ultimate victory with each passing day as political and social organization expands. Thus, expanding organization among workers, wage-earners, and political activists both inside and outside the country is one of our most important duties.

Iran Labour Confederation – Abroad
15th September 2024

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